

  • Oem d yag + diide laser 2in1 wopanga makina

    Oem d yag + diide laser 2in1 wopanga makina

    Shandong Moyght's nd yag + dima laser 2in1 makina amapereka njira zothandizira kuchitira chithandizo:
    ND yag laser: zimabwera mu mitu 5, kuphatikizapo mafomu osinthika (1064nm, 532nm, 1320nm) ndi mutu wa 755nm. Kuchita kusintha kumeneku kumapereka mwayi wogwirizana ndi zovuta za khungu ndi mitundu ya tattoo.

  • Makina oyang'anira 808nm aser

    Makina oyang'anira 808nm aser

    [Ukadaulo wa High-HighLlengthth, njira yeniyeni]
    Chipangizo chochotsera tsitsichi chimaphatikiza mitundu inayi yaukadaulo wa laser: 755nm, 808nm, 940nm ndi 1064nm. Livelength iliyonse imakhazikika pamitundu yosiyanasiyana ya khungu ndi utoto. Izi zikutanthauza kuti ziribe kanthu utoto wanu kapena tsitsi lanu, mutha kupeza njira yochotsa tsitsi yomwe imakuyenerera bwino. The flexible application of four-wavelength technology ensures the efficiency and accuracy of the hair removal process, while greatly reducing the potential damage to the surrounding skin.

  • 2022 Chatsopano Kwambiri Kwambiri
  • Makina abwino kwambiri ochotsa tsitsi

    Makina abwino kwambiri ochotsa tsitsi

    The performance and luxurious configuration of this hair removal machine have obvious advantages and are by no means comparable to ordinary equipment. Kulembedwa pansipa ndi zina mwa zabwino:

  • Makina atsopano a DIOD
  • Alexandrite laser hair removal works by emitting a concentrated beam of light that is absorbed by the pigment (melanin) in the hair follicles. The laser energy is converted into heat, which damages the hair follicles, inhibiting future hair growth. The dual wavelengths of 755nm and 1064nm target different depths of the hair follicles, ensuring effective treatment for various skin and hair types. Dongosolo lozizira lozizira limazizira khungu lozungulira, kuchepetsa kusasangalala ndikuchiteteza ku zowonongeka zamafuta.

  • Makina osewerera a ai

    Makina osewerera a ai

    Ndife okondwa kwambiri kulengeza kuti zofufuzira zathu zaposachedwa komanso makina ogulitsa tsitsi mu 2024, makina operekera tsitsi tsitsi, ali pamsika! This machine makes a breakthrough application of artificial intelligence technology in the field of diode laser hair removal, providing great convenience to beauty salons and beauty clinics and improving service quality and efficiency.